
I read somewhere debut writers mention everyone on the planet, including their pets, and I’m not going to be much different. I have many folks to thank and am grateful to Jesus for surrounding me with so much affection and allowing me breathing room to explore my creative side.
My family: My long-suffering husband who had to tolerate my habit of disappearing into my thoughts and falling unnaturally quiet in the middle of dinner while I worked out a plot glitch in my mind. There’s a little bit of him in all my heroes. My three children who’ve had to listen to the same song being blasted over and over as the theme music until I typed “The End.” They still think I should make this a series and name the next Two Tornadoes in Toronto. My parents (here’s where I cross my fingers and swear I’ve never actually been to any of the seedy places I mention in my stories), my brothers (including the cousins. They believed in me even when I didn’t), and the extended family (aunt, uncle, mother-in-law) who probably chalked up the periods of radio silence to my natural grouchiness. Friends and colleagues who cheered me on.
My friends and beta readers: Amrita Talukdar who patiently read multiple versions of the same book. She sent enough angry-face emojis until I broke down and agreed to publish. It is my firm belief Preeti Gopal used to be an undercover agent. She gave me suggestions on how an Indian income tax officer might get recruited by the Intelligence Bureau. The ladies I tested out my zanier ideas on: Radhika Thampuran and Mamatha Prasad. My critique partners: Rebecca Chatterpaul-Johnson, Anna Skogerboe Gracia, and CJ Simone. Kat Menteith who spent time she didn’t have to whip A Goan Holiday into shape.
My editors/mentors/associates:
Michael P Lewis I learned about the use of sensory detail from him. His bluntness in pointing out plot holes is something I appreciate.
Elizabeth Roderick She did a fabulous job as developmental editor. I remember her telling me, “This is where I’d be tempted to toss your book out the window.”
Chase Nottingham I thought I knew how to write in English until I ran into Chase. He went through the whole thing line by agonising line, pointing out my crutch words and fixing my comma-heavy writing. He did line and copy editing for me.
Any mistakes in the manuscripts may be attributed entirely to me. There are spots where I ignored their advice because I just couldn’t bring myself to kill my darlings. The designer responsible for the beautiful covers.
A huge, heartfelt thanks to all of them.
Anitha Perinchery