One of the questions I often get is if I have actually travelled to the cities my stories are set in. Most of the time, yes.

I sometimes divide my life into BC and AM – Before Children and After Maternity. BC was when I was determined to see as much of God’s green earth as possible. The hubster and I even had a piggy bank in the form of a giant bottle where we deposited spare cash to be used later on vacations. I’m proud to say we made it to 5 out of 7 continents. No Australia or Antarctica yet.

If I had the time and money, I’d continue travelling to a new country every three months or so. Kids, strangely (#badjokealert), require personal supervision. So adventure holiday plans are on hold until they fly off the nest. Only trips we can currently take are to child-friendly cities (where the antics of the mini-me-s won’t draw undue attention) and gigantic amusement parks (#sobbinginboredom). Plus, my employer would not appreciate it if I vanished frequently.

I’m going to try and locate photographs from BC vacations and post them here. Everyone I know seems to be allergic to having their images posted online, so it will be me, me, and only me in the pics. 🙁

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